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Nothing gives us more joy than to hear our patients' success stories. With our growing number of patients, ChiroCare 恺乐康 are swarmed with positive feedbacks and appreciation as they found healing and proper care from our expert chiropractor. Find out about their chiropractic experience. 


Due to the discomfort in my neck and the dizziness that I’ve been feeling, I decided to give Chirocare a try which was highly recommended by a close friend. During my first visit to ChiroCare, Dr. Alex did a thorough inquiry of my physical condition and checked my neck and spine. Upon his check it is apparent that I have lost some curves in my neck and I also had some lower back issues. I immediately felt that Dr.Alex was very professional because the  diagnosis he gave me was exactly the same as what it showed on my X-ray scans.

After the first chiropractic treatment I felt a relief in my neck however my dizziness wasn’t improved, So when I made my second visit to Chirocare I told Alex about it and Alex decided to give me a test and diagnosed me with BPPV and treated me accordingly(using Epley’s treatment). My dizziness was gone the third time we did Epley together. I can’t begin to tell your just how incredible I felt and simply couldn’t believe that the dizziness that bothered me for over a month was cured. Even though I’m no longer feeling dizzy I decided to carry on with my chiropractic treatment because I want my neck curve back.

What I like about Chirocare the most is that the practitioner is so attentive, carefully and professional. I have shared my experience with friends around me and if anybody is in need of chiropractic treatment I would definitely tell them Chirocare is the place to go!

- Cindy

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"I had a car accident in 2017 and my L4-L5 was injured. At that time I did both physical therapy and chiropractic treatments and that’s how I started my chiropractic journey.

Chiropractic treatments help adjust my misaligned joints and after each treatment I feel much relieved . Especially after a high intensity of work over a long period of time, I would very much want an adjustment, and immediately after the treatment the discomfort in my body disappears.


I appreciate Dr.Alex’s professionalism the most, together with his set of skills/techniques. And of course the environment of the clinic is very nice as well.

Chiropractic care is a long-term care, it takes time and consistency to carry on for a long-term of treatment, at the same time one needs to work out in his/her day to day life to strengthen and balance the muscles ,by doing so those with spine issues can really see progress. Well I also highly recommend office workers with busy work schedules to try chiropractic treatments ,you will feel much stress relieved afterwards."

- Wen

"I have been suffering from postural kyphosis since a young age. My neck and lower back have been bothering me all my life. My poor posture caused headaches, poor sleep, and constant tightness around my neck and shoulders. Having moved to China, I had trouble finding a specialist who could help me. I’ve tried everything, TCM, Thai massage, acupuncture, exercise, Chinese back alignment treatments, but nothing helped until I finally came across ChiroCare.

I felt immediate relief after my first session. After my third session, I felt like I was in a new body. As a result, my posture has improved, my tightness has gone away, and my endurance and physical performance have improved dramatically. I sleep better, I feel better overall, and I am finally getting my confidence back.

I liked how friendly and safe the environment was. I found Alexander to be very attentive and thorough in analyzing all of my posture problems. But the most important thing is that Alexander’s techniques are very effective and that I could see and feel the results of my treatment right away.

Some people are scared by the 'cracking' sounds because it might seem dangerous. But all I can suggest is to trust your practitioner and let him do the work. I cannot even begin to describe the detrimental effects of poor alignment on our health and well-being. Try at least one session and you'll see the difference yourself."

- Liudmila


"I’m a frisbee player. I have some sports injuries due to long-term exercising over the years. Recently I’ve discovered some chronic pain on the left side of my lower back as well as my left leg. I found a video that Dr.Alex posted on Xiaohongshu (a Chinese social media platform) and realized that it fits into my symptoms so I contacted Dr.Alex right away.

My migrane on the left side was cured! My left side of the shoulder and back feels a lot more relaxed, and the movement in my neck has improved. My piriformis syndrome has also improved to some extent by following Dr. Alex’s guidance on how to activate and exercise the muscles.


I appreciate how Dr. Alex focuses on how the patient feels and treats each patient accordingly.

If I have a friend who has spine issue or whose two sides of the body have different athletic performances I will recommend him or her to give chiropractic a try and I will tell them that Dr.Alex is very professional."

- Eva

"I had trouble with my back since I turn 26 (now I'm 36). Doctors diagnosed a hernia and protrusion of the vertebral sections. So I had to live with pain all the time. In Chinese hospitals, I was offered different remedies that didn't help my situation.


After I had found Alexander, my situation greatly improved. And I'd like to highly recommend him as a highly qualified chiropractor. Friendly atmosphere, professional approach, affordable price, and most important - pain relief straight after the first appointment! All my friends gave the highest rank for his skills and treatment results, and so do I. It is great to have you in Shanghai. Thank you, for your help!"

- Jazz


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