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Shoulder Pain

Shoulder injuries are common, even in those who don’t put much strain on them, simply because the shoulder is the most unstable and moveable joint in your body. A chiropractor has a detailed knowledge of how the shoulder and surrounding tissues are connected, and can make an assessment of whether things are moving properly and provide effective treatment that will alleviate pain.


A chiropractor will look more closely at what is causing your shoulder pain. We will investigate further than just your mechanical (musculoskeletal) system and check your neurological system to find the root cause of your shoulder pain. We will evaluate your neurological system in conjunction with the musculoskeletal system, as your nervous system controls every function of your body. Skipping this step may only relieve your pain over the short term. Consulting a chiropractor for shoulder pain and dysfunction is very common, as it affects almost half of us at some point in our lives. With chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue techniques and a specific exercise plan, shoulder problems can effectively treated.

How Can A Chiropractor Help Me With Shoulder Pain?
We treat any of the following problems and symptoms:

> Sharp, stabbing or shooting pain or shoulder trauma
> Dull aches
> Pins and needles
> Restrictions
> Stiffness
> Trapped nerve in neck
> Referral pain from the neck


Pain in the shoulder can be caused by a number of different things. There can be a problem with the shoulder itself or the pain can stem from an issue in a different part of the spine, usually the neck area. Poor posture and shoulder position, nerve pressure, trauma to the area, or repetitive strain can all cause problems with the shoulder.
Chiropractors are extensively trained to seek out the root of the issue. Often the “symptoms” are just the body’s way of informing us that there is something wrong.

> Neck or shoulder trauma
> Rotator cuff issues
> Labrum issues
> Overuse or repetitive strain injuries(RSI)
> Dislocated shoulder
> Shoulder mobility issues
> Bursitis

Shoulder Pain Treatment

Treatment will vary depending on the cause of your pain. Chiropractors have many methods available, including:

Chiropractic Adjustments

DaBaoZha Adjustment
Percussion Therapy
Muscle release techniques
Trigger point therapy (which is a technique for getting a frozen muscle to release itself)

Identification of related injuries or inflammation

Advice for avoiding future problems

Long and short term treatment plans

A chiropractor will also include advice and guidance on lifestyle changes and will incorporate strengthening exercises and stretching into your treatment sessions.


Interesting Facts About Shoulder Pain


Shoulder pain is very common and affect anyone, not just athletes


Injuries are highly treatable (without surgery) if addressed early

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They are the most commonly injured joints in the body


Goals in treatment are: reduce inflammation, alleviate pain, strengthen muscle memory and improve range of motion

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Often the rotator cuff muscles are affected


People with shoulder pain often avoid seeking prompt attention, making it worse and less amenable to non-surgical treatments

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Joint with the greatest range of motion but the least stability, therefore is more susceptible to strain, repetition injuries and ageing

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What Our Patients Say

"I felt immediate relief after my first session. After my third session, I felt like I was in a new body."


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