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Back Pain

Whether you are suffering from acute or chronic back pain, chiropractic care has a remarkable success rate in healing patients. Because chiropractors are back pain specialists, who recieve extensive training in locating and treating the source of back pain, chiropractic care is considered one of the most effective non-invasive treatment forms.


At ChiroCare 恺乐康, Dr. Alex is trained to use a wide range of techniques for back pain, that vary depending on your age, level of fitness and your individual needs.  By using a combination of chiropractic adjustments, soft tissue work and rehabilitation exercises, Dr. Alex works to ensure proper alignment of the spine, strength in all of your muscles and mobility in your whole body. Each treatment is different and formed after each specific patient, all with the goal of reducing back pain, but, crucially, also to reduce the chance of a future recurrence.

How Can A Chiropractor Help Me With Back Pain?


We treat any of the following:

Pain in the lower back, upper back or middle back

Sciatica (inflammation of the sciatic nerve) where pain shoots from the buttocks down the leg

Neck pain

Shoulder pain

Pregnancy related back pain

Bulging discs (also known as a slipped disc or herniated disc)

Trapped nerve

Back spasms

Back Pain can be caused by any number of reasons and identifying where the pain is coming from is the first step in effectively managing and treating the pain. For this reason, every new patient starts their treatment at ChiroCare 恺乐康 with a full consultation and physical examination to determine what isn’t functioning correctly within their spine and to therefore identify the source of pain. By understanding more about the location and type of pain you are experiencing, we will be able to give you a clear diagnosis and an effective treatment plan.

We will always ensure we select the best treatment for back pain depending on you as an individual.

Why Is My Back Hurting?

Approximately 8 out of 10 people are affected by back pain at some point in their lives. Back pain affects people of all ages and is often a result of our modern lifestyle.

People experience back pain for all sorts of reasons. It might be the way they sit or stand, or because their work or lifestyle causes stress and strain on their back. Worry or stress can cause tension in the back muscles, or can delay recovery of existing back pain. Sometimes an old injury, or wear and tear over time, might also cause problems.
However, there is often no obvious reason why back pain develops.

Although it can be very painful, back pain rarely has a serious underlying cause.


Seeing a qualified health professional, such as a chiropractor, who is experienced in diagnosing conditions of the back and spine, can help treat back pain, and also identify if a referral or specialist investigations are needed.


Interesting Facts About Back Pain

Interestingly, clients who consult a surgeon in the first place have a 47% chance of going on to have surgery. Those who consult a chiropractor first have a 1% chance of eventually having surgery


85% of acute back pain, usually due to a strain or sprain, can be fully recovered within 3-months if under the instruction of a professional

Worldwide, back pain is the single leading cause of disability, preventing many people from engaging in work as well as other everyday activities

If left untreated, the chance of recurring back pain within a year is up to 44%

It is THE MOST common reason for missing work. Back pain accounts for more than 264 million lost work days in one year in America—that’s two work days for every full-time worker in the country.

Back pain is often due to minor issues with disc, joint, ligament or muscle (or a combination of the above)

There is no “perfect” sitting or standing posture, it is important to vary your posture throughout the day


Costs attribute to this are estimated at 650 billion RMB to 1 300 billion RMB ANNUALLY

Psychological factors, such as stress, low mood and worries affects how much pain we feel

Affects more than just one aspect of people’s lives (work, home, leisure activities)

Bed rest is not helpful, and may make it worse – unfortunately

It is rare to need a scan, plus scans are not accurate for pain ie. MRI or CAT scans

Poor sleep and sleep position influences prolonged back pain

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What Our Patients Say

"I felt immediate relief after my first session. After my third session, I felt like I was in a new body."


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